Literary Magazine
Submissions are Open!
January 22 - February 23
Where can I find the submission guidelines?
Instructions on how to submit work and submission guidelines are located on the submission form! The link will take you there!
Cover Letter
Must Include:
-Type of submitted piece
-Title of your submitted piece
-Short bio about yourself
Dear Editors,
Please consider my short story “Insert Title Here” for publication in Et Cetera.
My bio follows:
Marsha Marshall is a sophomore at Marshall University. She is majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Creative Writing. After graduating she hopes to become a crime fighting lawyer and write a graphic novel about herself called Marsha Law: A Pun On Martial Law. Currently, she lives in Huntington, West Virginia with her fiancé Marco and their cat, who coincidentally, is also named Marco.
If there are issues with my submission I am very open to revision. Thank you for your time and for considering my work. I look forward to hearing from you.
Marsha Marshall